What We Do
The Global Tissue family stands behind the quality of each and every paper product we supply: standard, premium, or ultra-premium tiers; 1-, 2-, or 3-ply sheets. We offer a variety of choices, from our branded program, Aura ®, paper towels and napkins with T.A.D. (Through Air Dry) technology, soft Laurel ® line, our eco-conscious Regal ® line, or a custom program for your private label. With Global Tissue’s combination of designed embossing, earth-conscious production, use of soft fibers, and outstanding value, our superior goods are products trusted by families all over the world – including our own.
![Global Tissue What We Do](images/girl_tp.jpg)
![Aura Ultra Premium Quality Aura Ultra Premium Quality](images/ultra_premium_quality.jpg)
![Laurel Premium Quality Laurel Premium Quality](images/premium_quality.jpg)
![Regal Everyday Quality Regal Everyday Quality](images/everyday_quality.jpg)
Global Tissue can put your label on these products. Please contact us to find out how we can build your custom private label program!